How To Get Professionals To
Understand and Join Your Network Marketing Business
Dear Friend,
If a surgeon decides to quit operating, the money stops.
If a dishwasher decides not to wash dishes, the money stops.
If an attorney decides to stop suing people, the money stops.
If an IRS agent decides to stop auditing people, the money stops.
However, most network marketing leaders look at this building period as a learning period. It's like going to school. But, instead of paying tuition, you can earn some money while you learn.
Once you complete the groundwork and foundation, the money formula changes drastically. Now, you are getting paid bonuses every month, even if you don't work hard or when you take a vacation.
So, in the beginning you do a lot of work that you don't get paid for, but in the end you get a lot of pay for when you don't work.
That's why professionals want to get into network marketing. They like the residual income and the financial security it brings.
On a sad note, there are some individuals who get into network marketing and build a foundation. But because they didn't feel they earned enough money during this learning and building stage of their career, they quit.
Yes, they quit just before they go into the collecting stage of their careers. I guess the rewards go to people with persistence and vision.
Create your success!
Art Jonak
CEO, Network Professionals
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