Publish date November 2007

Industry Legend John Milton Fogg, author of The Greatest Networker in the World with Pat Crosby

Industry Legend John Milton Fogg, author of The Greatest Networker in the World  with Pat Crosby


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

HOW To Talk To A Woman. Kim Klaver

HOW To Talk To A Woman. Kim Klaver

Kim knows just how to say it like it is! 


"How to talk to a woman"

Episode One. "The closers are coming! The closers are coming!"

How many of you have been urged to bring your prospects to events so the top bananas can "close" them for you?

Does your company have a national tour coming up where they've pleaded with you to bring your best people, so the CEO or other electrifying top banana can explain everything once and for all, show them the vision, and then CLOSE all those skeptical prospects for you once and for all?

Close. Close. Close.

And we all learn that the closers are the most valuable people and get the biggest rewards.

Take the cherished fast start bonus for anyone who closes anyone else. The bigger the initial purchase by the "closee," the bigger the payoff for the closer.

Plus all that stage time. The closers are the ones on stage - like the agressive young guys with the shiny new Gucci belt buckles they love to fondle.

The assumption behind all this activity is that 1) The close is paramount and 2) most people can't "close" anyone because they are too weak, don't know what to say, and need help from the closers.

It seems to me that the urge to close is a boy thing. Kind of like scoring. The more notches in that belt, the better. In fairness, it seems that nearly all salesmen are trained to close as often and as soon as possible.

However, in network marketing, this fixation on "the close" is quite distasteful - to the women.

First, women do not like to be "closed" - not on the first sales "date" or really ever. They don't want to be dragged into the back seat on that first night, either.

Second, while we know men do enjoy the score, a woman seems to know that there's more to it for her. She carries the baby for 9 months and cares for and nurtures her child another 18 years.

I have always believed that starting a business of your own is a little like having a baby. While the boys may like the score, anyone in business knows that developing something long-term requires caring for it, nurturing it, and usually for years to come. Plus working with one or two others in the beginning, and sometimes for years, is a process that takes time.

There's much more to building a successful business than signing up or making that initial product purchase.

I believe that's why women are not as quick to say "yes." First we not like to be talked to and treated as a "score" or something to be "closed." Second, many of us know that building up a viable long term business with regular customers requires caring and nurturing over several years, the first of which are the most important.

How about, instead of talking about closing us and our friends, you talk to us about what we might do to get long term customers? And maybe a good business partner or two over the next 3-5 years. So we can get ready, you know, to do it. And then be there - in case we need you.

Women are 80% of the network marketing profession. And until now, the silent, great majority.

P.S. The President of the DSA once said the drop out rate is 102%. Guess who most of them are?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pyramid Schemes Gone Wild... Police... Tear Guns.... Sceams for Refunds....

Something similar happened in Chenai, India last year.

How criminal to take the last few dollars of desperate people. Who is proposing WHAT to desperate people who have lost their jobs in the last month in the USA alone just last month?

You can read the sentiments of red recruiters to the unsuspecting sheople they fleeced: "We wish you a sad Christmas and a shameful New Year."

WHO can you alert to MLM Scams? Forward this email today.

To YOUR Success,

Pat Crosby

845 . 434 . 3829


Police used batons and tear gas to control the crowds
Thousands of Colombians have taken part in violent protests to demand the return of money invested in disreputable financial schemes.
Police used batons and tear gas to control angry investors in some of the nine cities where disorder erupted.
In the province of Cauca, in south-west Colombia, 2,000 depositors stormed an investment firm's offices.
But the owners had disappeared, leaving a note stuck to the doors taunting the investors for having been duped.
It said: "Now for being stupid and believing in witchcraft you will have to work much harder to recoup the money you gave us."
The office of another pyramid scheme had a greetings card stuck on the door which read: "We wish you a sad Christmas and a shameful New Year."
Angry investors ransacked many of the offices where they had previously delivered their savings and clashed with police sent to restore order.... complete article at

Pat Crosby

Voicemail 1.845.434.3829 US
SKYPE UniversalPat

Click HERE to Forgive so you can move forward

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Archived Training with Big Al Tom Schreiter. Over-riding the powerful subconscious fears


Hello Leaders,

Do you know your prospect has already made up her mind about joining you - or escaping and running away from you as quickly as possible - within the first few minutes of your conversation?

Guest legendary trainer
BIG AL TOM SCHREITER explains IN DETAIL exactly how this process works... and how MOST PEOPLE think about joining something - or NOT joining something.

AND how you can present your information in such a way that your prospect WANTS to hear what you have to say - and be open to joining your deal.

This is a PROFESSIONAL SKILLS TRAINING call - open to everyone who has a product or service to sell, or an organization to build.

No companies will be mentioned - so feel free to invite your team, prospects, colleagues.

You may invite others as a professional courtesy to learn from this no-cost online communication and relationship-building professional tele-seminar.

(Retail value of this training $49.)


This call is ARCHIVED for LISTENING ON DEMAND - along with many other great generic business success & prosperity trainings - online at


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brilliant Discussion of Internet Marketing Paradigm Shift


At the Internet Strategy Forum last week in Portland I met Mike Moran, a distinguished engineer at IBM. But we don’t talk about engineering, instead, we talk about marketing.


In the video you’ll see why.

Filed under: Software

CLICK HERE to go to the site video page for more info.

Thanks to industry ethical educator Kim Klaver for calling attention to this video on her blog.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Peanuts Philosophy

We practice RELATIONSHIP marketing. Here is why.

Charles Schultz Philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners .

Here's an other quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care .

Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.

It's already tomorrow in Australia "
(Charles Schultz)


Friday, July 27, 2007

Hotel Rwanda, Oprah, and ForGIVEness link

In this interview clip, Oprah digs out what can go wrong when people are manipulated by agenda-driven propaganda and do not think for themselves.

Meanwhile... read what Oprah has to say.....


Paul Rusesabagina His country had gone totally, blood-in-the-streets mad. Neighbors attacking each other with machetes. A million slaughtered. Twelve years later, Oprah talks one-on-one with the real-life hero of the 2004 film Hotel Rwanda.

Oprah: In your book [An Ordinary Life], you write that you walked out of your house the first morning of the killings and saw your neighbors armed with machetes.

Paul: That was a terrible day. Men I'd known for years were carrying machetes, grenades, guns, spears—any weapon you can think of. Neighbors I'd seen as gentlemen had suddenly become killers in military uniforms.

Oprah: How do the people you've shared barbecues with become the personification of evil?

Paul: I've never understood. Some of our neighbors were murdered that morning. My son found a mother, her six daughters, and her son slaughtered. Some of them weren't completely dead yet. They were still moving slightly. After my son came running home, he didn't talk for four days. We couldn't understand how our country could just go mad.

Oprah: Would the violence have erupted if that plane hadn't been shot down? [On April 6, 1994, a plane carrying Hutu president Juvénal Habyarimana was shot down, killing him along with the president of neighboring Burundi. Although no one could prove who ordered the attack, retaliation was immediate: Opposition leaders were murdered, and suddenly civilians were slaughtering every Tutsi and moderate Hutu they could find.]

Paul: That added oil to a burning fire. Since the sixties, Hutus and Tutsis have been in heavy tension.

Oprah: Here's why I found your book so fascinating: It shows what role radio played in inciting the masses.

Paul: In 1993 a station called the "radio-television of the thousands of hills" was started. It was funded by Rwanda's then president, Habyarimana, and his akazu—his closest friends, including leaders and businessmen. When the president was threatened by armed rebels, he decided to fight and keep power by all means.

Oprah: So media was his tool.

Paul: To do evil.

Oprah: It's interesting how quickly propaganda can change the commonsense thinking of everyday people.

Paul: In Rwanda people don't buy newspapers or magazines. They prefer radio. Every peasant on the plantation, everyone on buses, in cars, listens. It was a planned strategic manipulation to use radio for evil. [Once the violence started] people were hiding in the bushes. On the radio, leaders encouraged people to clear the bushes and kill their neighbors.

Print correction: You can find Paul's memoir An Ordinary Man at

What do YOU need to forgive?


Sunday, June 17, 2007


Our networking philosophy is:

Although we love the money and financial aspect of the mlm networking lifestyle, we do not worship money as an end in itself. We believe in helping each person reach their fullest human potential in a mastermind of like-minded entrepreneurs. We are not predator recruiters who aim to "sign up" people to get a fast-start bonus. We believe in developing long-lasting friendship relationships that create win-win-win-win in an ever-expanding circle of prosperity and abundance for ALL members of our team.



Sunday, May 27, 2007

Are your team-mates really busy? Abraham Hicks explains all - and why being busy is not a hindrance to pursuing your team goals.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

How To Get Professionals To Understand and Join Your Network Marketing Business

How To Get Professionals To
Understand and Join Your Network Marketing Business

Dear Friend,

If a surgeon decides to quit operating, the money stops.

If a dishwasher decides not to wash dishes, the money stops.

If an attorney decides to stop suing people, the money stops.

If an IRS agent decides to stop auditing people, the money stops.

In almost every profession, when the person stops working, the money stops. But not network marketing!

In network marketing, it's different. In the beginning, you do a lot of groundwork and foundation building, and you don't make a lot of money. If you were being paid hourly, you could complain that you were underpaid or getting less than minimum wage.

However, most network marketing leaders look at this building period as a learning period. It's like going to school. But, instead of paying tuition, you can earn some money while you learn.

Once you complete the groundwork and foundation, the money formula changes drastically. Now, you are getting paid bonuses every month, even if you don't work hard or when you take a vacation.

So, in the beginning you do a lot of work that you don't get paid for, but in the end you get a lot of pay for when you don't work.

That's why professionals want to get into network marketing. They like the residual income and the financial security it brings.

On a sad note, there are some individuals who get into network marketing and build a foundation. But because they didn't feel they earned enough money during this learning and building stage of their career, they quit.

Yes, they quit just before they go into the collecting stage of their careers. I guess the rewards go to people with persistence and vision.

Create your success!

Art Jonak
CEO, Network Professionals

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Keep Your Goals Away from the Trolls
by: Peter McWilliams, Do It: Let's Get Off Our Buts

There is a type of crab that cannot be caught -- it is agile and clever enough to get out of any crab trap. And yet, these crabs are caught by the thousands every day, thanks to a particular human trait they possess.

The trap is a wire cage with a hole at the top. Bait is placed in the cage, and the cage is lowered into the water. One crab comes along, enters the cage, and begins munching on the bait. A second crab joins him. A third. Crab Thanksgiving. Yummm. Eventually, however, all the bait is gone.

The crabs could easily climb up the side of the cage and through the hole, but they do not. They stay in the cage. Other crabs come along and join them -- long after the bait is gone. And more.

Should one of the crabs realize there is no further reason to stay in the trap and attempts to leave, the other crabs will gang up on him and stop him. They will repeatedly pull him off the side of the cage. If he is persistent, the others will tear off his claws to keep him from climbing. If he persists still, they will kill him.

The crabs -- by force of the majority -- stay together in the cage. The cage is hauled up, and it's dinnertime on the pier.

The chief difference between these crabs and humans is that these crabs live in water and humans on land.

Anyone who has a dream -- one that might get them out of what they perceive to be a trap -- had best beware of the fellow-inhabitants of the trap.

The human crabs (we call them trolls) do not usually use physical force -- although they are certainly not above it. They generally don't need it, however. They have more effective methods at hand, and in mouth -- innuendo, doubt, ridicule, derision, mockery, sarcasm, scorn, sneering, belittlement, humiliation, jeering, taunting, teasing, lying, and dozen others not listed in our thesaurus.

The way to handle such people is the the same method used by Jonathon Joffrey Crab on his clan. (Remember that book about the crab that wasn't content to walk around, he wanted to learn underwater ballet?) Jonathon, knowing the dangers of attempted departure from the cage, said, "Hey! This is fun! What a gathering of crabs! I'm going to go get some more!" And he danced off to freedom.

Our suggestion: keep the trolls away from your goals.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


* As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% to the flying range than if each bird flew alone.

Lesson: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier when they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

* Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back in formation to take advantage of the "lifting power" of the bird immediately in front.

Lesson: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go.

* When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies at point position.

Lesson: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership -- interdependent with each other.

* The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

Lesson: We need to be sure our honking from behind is encouraging, not something less helpful.

* When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation and follow him down to help and protect it. They stay with it until it is either able to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own, with another formation, or catch up with the flock.

Lesson: If we have as much sense as the geese, we'll stand by each other like that.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


USANA looks even worse now...

In this short interview Barry Minkow did with two USANA reps, the recruiters look like predators. A few changes and that image would change immediately. (Thanks, Ty.)

The interesting story is what Jane and her husband have to say.

Check out the five things Jane's sponsor told her (and withheld from her) that are getting everyone's attention. Are you saying any of these things?

When Jane's neighbor signed her up she told her (according to Jane here):

1. Buy not one, but three business centers. Else you're not serious about making big money. Three gets you to 20% commission instead of 10%. (Get the BIG package.)

2. That the way to make the money was to recruit others, not get customers. Jane herself says the products were too expensive to get customers.

3. That it's her fault if she doesn't succeed.

Jane's sponsor didn't tell her that it's not easy...She

4. Didn't tell Jane that most people don't earn commissions (87%, according to USANA's documentation, very common in other companies). Most reps who signed up are just wholesale customers now (according to USANA's own VP here.) We all know how hard it is to make money first hand, don't we?

5. Didn't tell Jane that very few people make the big money. Most of the money - 76% commisions paid to USANA distributors- goes to 2.6% of them, according to their SEC filings reviewed by Minkow.

(Mr. Minkow is an uncomfortable interviewer. He did time for fraud in the 1980s. He has, however, like many people, changed his ways in recent years and is today helping the government undercover fraud.)

Here's the video:

Jane's story plays out in way too many companies. Here's how to make sure you don't encourage this.

Let people start small and build up.
Tell them the truth - that it's not easy.

Yes, doing that will reduce the numbers of (unqualified) people coming in - and those recruiting commissions you and the company receive - but it will also increase our retention rates and our reputation.


Thank you to Kim Klaver for bringing this info public.



No champion performer in ANY endeavor gets there without a huge amount of support, counciling, mentoring, training. All added to a person's own innate divinely inspired desire, skills and dedication.

Weather a business leader, champion athlete, or school child, EACH of us needs guidance and education in our chosen arenas.

I have had TWO outstanding coaches and mentors in my MLM career. One dear lady has saved me from numerous scams in a company I was with many years.... more to follow in future posts...

Another is busy helping helpless and clueless reps and would-be-reps find out WHAT happened to them and how the wool was pulled over their eyes and being a FORCE in the industry to protect, educate, and defend the MLM community members worldwide.

Due your due diligence!